
Brief description

A way of diagramming the network of people who have a stake (by being impacted or having an impact) in a given system. When you are trying to put people at the center of your new ideas, it is worth asking questions like: Who is involved? What do they care about? How much influence do they have? These will help you ensure that people that participate or are served in your design will be thoughtfully consider in the design process. It is important to identify the interrelationship of the ecosystem. Each individual plays a role in how the system works.

Quick Guide

  • Identify a subject area to focus on.
  • In team generate a broad list of stakeholders.
  • Write the stakeholders’ titles or roles.
  • Draw a symbol for each different type of stakeholder.
  • Draw lines connecting the stakeholders.
  • Write the description of the relationships.
  • Circle and label related groupings.


  • Helps you approach a situation like a beginner, curious and without previous knowledge.
  • Helps you identify unmet needs.
  • Summarizes your discovery and research findings.

Helpful Tips

  • Try to include a very broad range of stakeholders.
  • Strike a balance between breadth and relevance.
  • A typical list of stakeholders may include: the customer, team or organizations doing the work, projects managers, sponsors, influential parties or organizations.


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