
Brief description

Structure, in a statement, the description of insights and problems or opportunities to find relevant points and unmet needs.

Quick Guide

  • Collect the information that emerged during the research and discovery activities.
  • Create visuals of key points of information and findings.
  • In team, go deep into the data and look for patterns.
  • Identify clusters of the observations.
  • Work together to make a statement of the insights and problems related to each cluster.


  • Understand partial aspects of the overall problem.
  • Reframe opportunities, through insights, so that your team see possibilities that were always there but were hidden from view.
  • Align team member´s view of the problem and insights.

Helpful Tips

  • Look at the situations from different points of view.
  • Develop several insights and problems and iterate its description to add more components.
  • The search for insights and problems/opportunities is a great opportunity to invite relevant stakeholders into the conversation.


Additional Information

What is an insight?

What is an insight?

It is the synthesis of discoveries in the form of an interesting revelation or learning that arises from the exploration of people’s current behavior.

Insight Structure

Contains three elements:

  • Current situation
  • Desired situation
  • Situation to overcome
What is a problem or an opportunity?

What is a problem or an opportunity?

A desired outcome that is important and poorly satisfied.

Problem or Opportunity Structure

Contains three elements:

  • User
  • Opportunity or problem
  • Why is it important

How might we…? questions

How might we help [the user, customer] to achieve [a certain opportunity] to [why is it important]?


[The user, customer] is affected by [a certain problem], which [why is it important].


[The user, customer] needs [a certain opportunity] because [why is it important].


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