
Brief description

The test are procedures that will reduce the risk and uncertainty of your proposed solution; it will produce evidence that supports or refutes your hypothesis. This card will help you design a good test and structure them. The test card has 4 components: hypothesis, experiment, metrics and criteria.

Quick Guide

  • Name the test, set a due date, and list the person responsible.
  • Describe the hypothesis that you want to test.
  • Outline the experiment you are going to design to verify if the hypothesis is correct or needs to be rejected and revised.
  • Define what data you are going to measure.
  • Define a target threshold to validate or invalidate the tested hypothesis.


  • Supports communication in the team to perform test.
  • Helps you identify the hypothesis that are critical for your concept.
  • Objective approach to the process of testing.
  • Provides documentation

Helpful Tips

  • Design a series of tests for critical hypothesis.
  • Start with cheap and quick tests. Do not design the test to be too long (concentrate in what is essential).
  • If the first test invalidates your initial hypothesis, go back and rethink your idea.


Format Overview

For better purpose you can download and print the format.  



For better purpose you can download and print the format.  


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