Brief description

High-level summary of how trends and forces change and affect technology, business, people, culture, and policy. At-a-glance understanding of how trends impact your project.

Quick Guide

  • Identify the topic of interest and make research.
  • Set up the axis of the matrix, according to your interests.
  • Vertical axis: technology, business, people, culture and policy.
  • Horizontal axis (aspects of the projects that you are interested in tracking): types of users, topics and components.
  • Fill the matrix with relevant trends (trend statements). Answer the question: What trends are relevant to this challenge?
  • Discuss the matrix and compare how trends are related between them.
  • Recognize patterns or similar trends that are developing together.


  • Creates an overview.
  • Maps change over time.
  • Defines direction and reveals opportunities.
  • Encourages comprehensiveness.

Helpful Tips

  • A trend statement is usually a short sentence that describe something significantly changing.
  • Plan according your available resources and time.
  • Speculate on future directions.



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